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Christoph Fassbach (E-Mail)

End user help wanted: VirusZ and xvs.library to become open source
Georg Wittmann (formerly Hörmann) plans to release the source codes of his projects VirusZ and xvs.library after 15 years of inactivity. Before that he wants to make sure that his anti-virus software runs on AmigaOS 4, MorphOS and AROS (m68k): Since he himself does not have most of the systems mentioned, he has written a short program that collects and outputs information about the current computer. He asks that as many users as possible with one of the mentioned operating systems run the program and send him the output by e-mail. (cg) (Translation: bb)

[News message: 30. Mar. 2021, 22:29] [Comments: 0]
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