Amiga Future (Webseite)
Pre-order: A1100 - A new motherboard for Amiga-1000 housing
The 'A1100' is a new motherboard for an A1000 housing. A video shows the hardware. The boards has the following specifications:
- CPU: Motorola 68020 with 14 Mhz
- OCS-/ECS compatible, up to 2 MB Chip-Ram (Paula, Agnus, Denise not included)
- 64 Megabyte RAM
- IDE-Controller(44pin)
- Support of two different Kickstart-ROMs. Compatible to OS 3.1.4
- Flickerfixer and ScanDoubler. Internal ports for RGB, Cinch, SVGA
- Expansion ports for A1000 (86pin) and A1200 (150pin) cards
- Connector ATX PowerSupply
- Fast A1200 clockport connector
In a Spanish forum (automatic translation), Carlos 'Estrayk' Del Alamo is going to identify the need for a small-batch production of the hardware. If you are interested, then contact him. Del Alamo cannot tell what the price will be. But it is explicitely a non-commercial project.
(cg) (Translation: dr)
[News message: 10. Feb. 2021, 23:57] [Comments: 1 - 11. Feb. 2021, 22:43]
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