Turn-based space strategy: Imperium Terranum 2.802a
The source code of the turn-based space strategy game Imperium Terranum 2 has been available on Aminet for many years. For some time now the little documented Pascal source code 'Fook42' is converting into standard conforming Cn - aiming at later improving the game, e.g. adding support for graphic cards.
The version which was now uploaded to Github was not changed regarding the game play but features free screenmodes for the main screen (640x512) and the planet view (320x256) to choose. The selection is saved in the pictogram of the game. The update has to be copied over the full version of 'Imperium Terranum' since on Github only the main program is available.
(cg) (Translation: dr)
[News message: 19. Jan. 2021, 01:38] [Comments: 0]
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