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09.Jan.2021 (Webseite)

A1000 expansion: 'Parceiro' provides Fast-RAM, SD card slot and RTC
'Parceiro' (Portuguese: "Partner") is an expansion for the A1000 which comes in a thin plastic case - fitting to the computer - plugged in the lateral expansion port of the Amigas. It provides 8 MB Fast-RAM, a micro SD slot accessible from the outside with a 2 GB FAT32-formatted SD card as well as a real-time clock.

You cannot boot from this SD card but the producer provides a detailed tutorial explaining how to create "KickWork" disk. Additional to the Kickstart image it contains a Workbench as well as all required drivers and utilities for mounting the sd card and reading the real-time clock.

According to a review on Youtube, the card seems only be produced in very small numbers. If you are interested you can pre-order a 'Parceiro' at the US American developer Dabid Dunklee via email. The price for a card is 195 USD plus shipping. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 09. Jan. 2021, 00:46] [Comments: 0]
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