MorphZone (Forum)
Final Writer: New screenshots / release date is getting closer
In 2015 Timothy 'terminills' Deters has acquired the rights to the word processing software "Final Writer" (amiga-news.de reported). The latest screenshots show font rendering and spelling.
Final Writer will be able to save documents as a PDF. Furthermore Deters wrote: "RTF has been updated to the final spec as well. I have many future enhancements planned based on how quickly I can recover my costs. You can print to selectable devices and PDFDirect support has been started but it'll take a little bit before I would say that is feature complete."
He also said that there is a "a slim possibility of releasing FW before the end of the year".
(snx) (Translation: dr)
[News message: 27. Oct. 2020, 21:27] [Comments: 0]
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