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Retro gaming: WHDLoad 18.6
Using WHDLoad, you can install games, scene demos and intros from cracking groups to your harddisk that were only working from floppy disks previously. Version 18.6 provides the following changes:
- WHDLoad now disables interrupts of graphics cards under
the Picasso96 software. This should solve problems with
Spectrum cards and newer P96 releases (issue #2598). Thanks
to Thomas Richter for providing useful information.
- Manual translations are in sync again for catalan and czech.
- Kickemu kick31.s can be instructed to load/init the custom
nonvolatile.s via option INIT_NONVOLATILE.
- nonvolatile.s now correctly works on searching nonexistent
items in a existing nvram file
- In kickemu kick13.s a waitblit has been added to avoid
problems with the gfx.Text patch (Psygore).
- The provided source keyboard.s now uses cia timers instead the
raster beam for the keyboard acknowledge delay.
- Access faults of size word to address -1 and of size long to
addresses -3..-1 are now reliable detected and reported.
In earlier releases: on 68030: when ExpMem was used these were
undetected, on 68040: when ExpMem was used and vector base was
not write protected (e.g. Freezer detected, Snoop*,
resload_Protect used) these were undetected, if vector base
was protected a fault inside WHDLoad was reported, on 68060:
these were always correctly reported
- To reduce the likelihood that resload functions get
interrupted by other calls to resload functions, some resload
functions which usually take not much execution time, have
been changed to be not interruptible anymore.
The following resload functions have been changed that way:
Abort, SetCACR, FlushCache, Control, Protect#?, SetCPU,
GetCustom, VSNPrintF and Log.
In general the option NoResInt/S can be used to avoid problems
with interrupted resload calls at the cost of possible sound/
graphics distortions when interrupts are disabled for a longer
- The provided source sources/whdload/savegame.s is now fully
pc-relative. It contains also additional fixes for interrupt
acknowledge and AGA compatibility (JOTD/ross).
- The inplace decruncher for the old RNC1 format has been
improved to support files which need a larger distance
- The kick31.s now prefers a A600 kickstart image if NO68020 is
set. It fails now if there is only a 68000/010 and a
A1200/A4000 kickstart image was loaded (JOTD).
- When using kickfs.s the dos.library function
Open(MODE_READWRITE) now performs correctly on Kickstart 3.1
by creating a non-existent file. On Kickstart 1.3 the old
behavior remains to not create a file.
- If a call to resload_Examine is attempted without the flag
WHDLF_Examine has been set in the Slave structure WHDLoad now
terminates with an appropriate error message (JOTD).
- The kickemu kick12.s, kick13.s and kick31.s has been modified
to automatically set the Slave flag WHDLF_Examine if HDINIT is
set (JOTD).
- When using resload_Relocate with tags CHIPPTR/FASTPTR and the
specified chip/fast memory location would result in an
overlapping with base executable WHDLoad now gives a useful
error message (JOTD).
- Instead of waiting for a long video frame WHDLoad now forces a
long frame before starting the Slave. This fixes startup
problems on Kickstart 3.0 and an interlace video mode
(issue #4798).
- MMU-table creation has been reworked. It is now faster and
uses less memory.
- Support for ACA-freezer added.
- if "*" is specified for the Slave to load WHDLoad searchs the
current directory for a file with the pattern "#?.slave" and
will use the first file matching (Toni Wilen)
(cg) (Translation: dr)
[News message: 26. Oct. 2020, 22:48] [Comments: 0]
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