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Cloanto opposing registration of US trademark 'Amico'
As documented in the database of the US Patent and Trademark Office, Cloanto is opposing the registration of the trademark 'Amico' by Intellivision Entertainment LLC. since February. The US branch of the Italian software developer registered the 'Amiga' mark in the US in 2017 after the original owner Amiga, Inc. let the registration expire.

Intellivision Entertainment is the current user of the Intellivision trademark and plans to use the attention generated by the well-known brand name of Mattel's old console to release new gaming hardware called Amico. Promotion videos for the new console mostly feature (pseudo) 2D and retro inspired titles. Company head Tommy Tallarico is of italien heritage, the name of the new console is the italian word for 'friend'.

Approached by, Mike Battilana (Cloanto, Amiga Corporation) explains that this opposition was requested "by a contractual partner", and that he had no option but to heed the request. Normally it would have been executed via the new Amiga company, but since Hyperion has not released their US oppositions, and this is a US case, it had to be filed under Cloanto. (cg)

[News message: 27. Jul. 2020, 23:02] [Comments: 1 - 30. Oct. 2021, 05:44]
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