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Aminet-Uploads until 25.07.2020
The following archives have been added to Aminet until July 25th, 2020:
AWeb_APL34_full_020.lha  comm/www   1.5M  68k AWeb APL Lite Full Package (6...
AWeb_APL34_full_030.lha  comm/www   1.5M  68k AWeb APL Lite Full Package (6...
AWeb_APL34_full_040.lha  comm/www   1.5M  68k AWeb APL Lite Full Package (6...
AWeb_APL34_full_060.lha  comm/www   1.5M  68k AWeb APL Lite Full Package (6...
AWeb_APL34_full_MOS.lha  comm/www   1.8M  MOS AWeb APL Lite Full Package (M...
aweb3.5.09_68k_200707... comm/www   3.4M  68k AWeb APL Lite 3.5.09
THE_CURE.lha             demo/aga   11M   68k demo by RETREAM (1st at Solsk...
wla_dx-mos.lha           dev/cross  2.7M  MOS 8-bit CPU Cross Macro Assembl...
gcc-mos2wos.lha          dev/gcc    8.8M  MOS Make MorphOS GCC output WarpO...
DesignerSP.lha           dev/hwood  1.2M      Hollywood Designer spanish ca...
mui20dev.lha             dev/mui    359K  68k MagicUserInterface V2.0, deve...
mui20usr.lha             dev/mui    635K  68k MagicUserInterface V2.0, user...
MCE-MOS.lha              game/edit  3.1M  MOS Multi-game Character Editor
AmiDuke_AGA.lha          game/shoot 725K  68k Amiga port of Duke Nukem 3D
AmiDuke_RTG.lha          game/shoot 725K  68k Amiga port of Duke Nukem 3D
AmiQuake_AGA.lha         game/shoot 231K  68k Amiga port of WinQuake
AmiQuake_RTG.lha         game/shoot 231K  68k Amiga port of WinQuake
AmiQuake2_AGA.lha        game/shoot 1.0M  68k Amiga port of Yamagi Quake II
AmiQuake2_RTG.lha        game/shoot 1.0M  68k Amiga port of Yamagi Quake II
D1X_Rebirth_RTG.lha      game/shoot 2.1M  68k Amiga port of Descent (DXX-Re...
ODAMEX_RTG.lha           game/shoot 19M   68k Amiga port of Odamex v0.6.4
ZDOOM_RTG.lha            game/shoot 506K  68k Amiga port of ZDOOM v1.22
OpenDune_RTG.lha         game/strat 277K  68k Amiga RTG port of OpenDUNE
FlashMandelNG_OS4.lha    gfx/fract  11M   OS4 Mandelbrot & Julia fractals AOS4
AmiArcadia.lha           misc/emu   4.3M  68k Signetics-based machines emul...
AmiArcadiaMOS.lha        misc/emu   4.7M  MOS Signetics-based machines emul...
AmiArcadia-OS4.lha       misc/emu   4.8M  OS4 Signetics-based machines emul...
DOSBox_RTG.lha           misc/emu   1.6M  68k Amiga port of DOSBox v0.74          util/cdity 28K   68k Lets you navigate between ope...
ChangeExpFix.lha         util/misc  1K    68k Change Expansion-Devices, esp...
ReportPlus.lha           util/misc  592K  68k Multipurpose utility
ReportPlusMOS.lha        util/misc  699K  MOS Multipurpose utility
ReportPlus-OS4.lha       util/misc  750K  OS4 Multipurpose utility
UtilityTester339.lha     util/misc  117K  68k New version of Axel's Utility...
InstallerLG.i386-aros... util/sys   117K  x86 Commodore Installer replacement
InstallerLG.ppc-morph... util/sys   150K  MOS Commodore Installer replacement
(snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 26. Jul. 2020, 09:35] [Comments: 0]
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