Media player: EaglePlayer 2.06
EaglePlayer is a media player for the Amiga playing a lot of audio formats (MP3, AIFF, MOD...). The program has been available for many years and still is being updated. Version 2.06 provides many minor improvements and a new "Skin" for the user-interface of the program. Besides diverse bugs have been fixed:
- some more 68000 related fixes (some plugins are still 68020+)
- 14 Bit Amplifier: significant audio quality improvements
- automatic limitation to 28 kHz sampling rate on OCS and when
non doublescan display modes are detected
- way better defaults for the 14 bit table for uncalibrated systems
(previous default was closer to 13.5 Bit - like AHI)
- fixed 14 bit table for calibrated setups: the C. Buchner
quantization approach was wrong, resulting in unnecessary artifacts
- fixed transition delay from one song to another
- added optional noise shaping for 16-14 bit conversion (060 or faster)
- adjusted default volume for filtered mixing modes
- support for stereo 14 bit calibration
- Amiga1200 autodetection with appropriate adjustment for the "highboost"
equalization filter (A600 and A1200 have a different audio filter
compared to the other Amiga models)
FFT Analyzer
- whole new set of new display modes in High and True color P96 RTG
(using AMMX acceleration, if detected/available )
internal sine/cosine table instead of math libs due to
broken mathtrans/mathffp libraries
MPEG Audio (i.e. .mp2/.mp3)
- automatically select freqdiv=2 in 8 Bit output mode
(i.e. when neither of 14 Bit/Pamela/AHI/Toccata Amplifier are active)
preliminary UTF-16 support for Moduleinfo and ID3TagV2
- 68000 fixes and sanity checks for some tests to avoid
enforcer hits (e.g. tronic)
renamed some eagleplayers for more resilience against
broken unarchiver tools (replacing spaces with underscores in
better check for MP3 files with certain ID3v2 header versions
AIFF file detection improvements (AIFC)
- P96 RTG support: colorful and faster scrolling, color bars in 16/24 bit
- fixes for some tightly looping modules in cases where "song end"
detection is disabled (thanks to Gerben van K. for the report)
fix for some broken Protracker modules which work with VBlank timing
- ADPCM support added (standard IMA4, Tavenard's ADP4)
Pamela Amplifier
- 16 Bit audio output plugin for Vampire V4
- truecolor user interface for big screens (>800x600) as homage to
a certain movie series
TFMX_Pro player by Don Adan included
(cg) (Translation: dr)
[News message: 17. Jul. 2020, 15:47] [Comments: 0]
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