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Individual Computers: New power supply units can be preordered
From now on it is possible to preorder new power supply units from Individual Computers for the keyboard Amigas A500, A600 and A1200. The delivery is planned for 10th August. The offered solution consists of a common laptop power supply unit as well as a second unit put between the power supply unit and the computer which is in a C64 module case featuring additional Amiga specific elektronics and the power switch.

According to the developer the "CA-PSU", available for 75 Euro, "is the first power supply on the market that fully complies with the original Commodore specifications, introducing cable drop compensation for best regulation that even settles the voltage drop in the input filter of the target computers. This means that the voltage on the main 5V rail will never deviate more then 0.9%, measured inside the computer - no matter if the computer is in vanilla configuration or heavily expanded. Conventional power supplies will either supply too-high voltage to a vanilla machine, or too-low voltage to an expanded machine, causing malfunction or even defects." (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 06. Jul. 2020, 18:02] [Comments: 0]
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