amigaworld (Webseite)
Crowdfunding: A book from David Pleasance and Trevor Dickinson
After Commodore - The Inside Story, the former "managing director" of Commodore UK, David Pleasance, is working on a second book, this time in co-operation with Trevor Dickinson from A-EON. The book with the subtitle "From Vultures to Vampires" will tell the Amiga history "starting from the day when Escom were the highest bidder at Commodore's liquidator’s auction in New York (I was there), how their attempts to relaunch the Amiga spectacularly failed, then the troublesome years when our beloved computer bounced around from company to company, Viscorp, Quickpack, Gateway 2000, etc. and beyond."
For 15 Euro supporters will get an e-book (epub, mobi and PDF), for 30 Euro a printed book. Both variants are supposed to be available in February 2021.
(cg) (Translation: dr)
[News message: 12. Jun. 2020, 21:52] [Comments: 0]
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