Games announcements: "Lala Prologue", "Boss Machine" and "Mars Tank Attack"
"Lala Prologue" (video) is the port of a 8-Bit game. The jump'n run offers a mix of smooth scrolling and hard cuts between different screens. The game will present up to 32 colours with the help of multiplied sprites and will run on any Amiga with at least 512 KB Fast RAM.
For 'Boss Machine', a horizontal scrolling shoot'em up written by Daniel Stephens (code), Kevin Saunders (graphics) and Lee Smith (music) which will run on AGA computers, a new preview video was released.
Achim Kern's "Mars Tank Attack" (screenshot) is a clone of the classic Artillery. The game is being developed with Hollywood and can be played against human players or computer-controlled opponents. The status of the game the developer describes as "90% completed".
(cg) (Translation: dr)
[News message: 06. Apr. 2020, 22:38] [Comments: 0]
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