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Available documents from the lawsuits between Cloanto and Hyperion
Since the documents from the three lawsuits between Cloanto, the Amiga parties and C-A Acquisition Corporation on one side and Hyperion on the other side are not available free of charge, the few documents that made it onto the net are hosted on various places all over the web - depending on who acquired them and made them available to the public.

We have collected all the documents we know about and created an overview for each of the three cases, listing all submissions so far and offering links to the PDF files available to us:
  1. Cloanto Corporation v. Hyperion Entertainment
  2. Hyperion Entertainment v. Amino, Itec, Amiga Inc. und Cloanto
  3. C-A Acquisition Corporation and Cloanto Corporation v. Hyperion Entertainment
We would be grateful for any additions our readers might have - be it documents we missed or new material that hasn't been made available so far. (cg) (Translation: cg)

[News message: 27. Jan. 2020, 00:06] [Comments: 0]
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