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Acquisition of Amiga: Summary of Mike Battilana's speech at Amiga34 (Update)
At the "Amiga 34" in Neuss, Mike Battilana spoke at last. On the timetable he was not announced as "Cloanto" but due to his acquisition of the rights from Amiga Inc. as "Amiga". We want to summarize the most important facts of his speech:

Mike Battilana underlined his efforts of collecting the whole Commodore heritage to establish a reunited company "Commodore-Amiga". Again he suggested the idea of a foundation as a possible legal form for a new "Amiga" parent company as well as to release the source codes of software developed by Commodore.

About all other plans he has to remain discret but probably he could help developers by providing free licences. To be on the safe side, he acquired the domain twice - for the first time in the course of Amiga, Inc.'s acquisition but also for the second time from Vince Pfeifer.

He is not offended by AmigaOS 3.1.4 at all but he would have preferred to be released after the lawsuit. Besides, he thinks that it should be available for free because the developers also have not get any money. Finally it should lead to an open source project.

With regard to the legal dispute he has emphasized his interest of coming to an agreement and that he commnunicates with Hyperion's CEO Timothy de Groote daily and meets him on a monthly basis. They were on good terms.

With regard to P96 he explained that in his conversation with Jens Schönfeld a settlement has not been reached but he is glad that they talked and at least could clarify some details. Furthermore he pointed out that he himself would have never spoken about lawsuits. Instead, he would prefer to solve problems quietly.

He has also told how interesting it was having a look at the Commodore documents because the business processes in many ways were ahead of the times. His company has a large archive of internal, electronial Commodore documentation and communication but having an eye to the privacy of the parties involved it would be difficult to make it available. Maybe step by step the archive can be partly published.

Update: (18:23, 02.11.19, snx)
Correction of the final sentence about P96, which had been interpreted more liberally before. (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 01. Nov. 2019, 23:19] [Comments: 0]
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