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Martin Wolf (ANF)

"Officially licensed" Commodore jerseys on Amazon
On Amazon, "Score Draw" offers retro jerseys of German soccer clubs, among others also red and white jerseys with "Commodore" logo. In contrast to jerseys of other teams, these are not complete copies of the original jerseys: on the "official Commodore retro jerseys from 1986" (product description of the producer) the logo and the name of the corresponding club are missing - the FC Bayern München is not mentioned even in the article description.

Obviously the license for the brand of the Munich team would have been to expensive - since Score Draw does promoting his article as "officially licensed" it is probable that he reached an agreement with the owner of the Commodore brand rights. What the original Bayern jersey looked like you can see on the website of the Trikot-Museum. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 31. May. 2019, 23:22] [Comments: 0]
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