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Andreas Magerl (ANF)

Game: Reshoot R released
Press release: Bombs away for Reshoot R - Modern action for the retro platform Amiga

Pürge/Übersee, May 28th, 2019: The development studio spieleschreiber and the publisher APC&TCP today announce the availability of the retro action game Reshoot R.

After almost three years of development, Reshoot R finally lights up its laser cannons - as you'd expect, for original Amiga hardware. The horizontal scrolling shoot'em up, in the style of classics like "R-Type", throws the player into an exciting space battle. In five elaborately designed themed worlds, fighter pilots fight side-by-side with the courageous space heroine Aryn against the attacks of the evil Tars species.

The action remains faithful to arcade traditions to combine elaborate high-end visuals with high-speed, demanding challenges. Fast gameplay, breathless dynamics, and exciting tension peaks characterise the fight between the heroine and the ballet of attack waves. Extra weapons and power-ups support her in her fight for survival. If your battle is fought successfully, eternal glory awaits you in the automatically saved highscore list. In addition, there is a premiere for Amiga action games: Those pilots can enter their performance on an internet ranking website and so they can compare their skills against those of other gamers.

Reshoot R is initially available as three seperate releases: Download Edition, Pure Edition and Signature Edition. The Pure Edition includes the game on CD-ROM and a printed manual. The Signature Edition has the game on CD-ROM, with a printed manual including a making-of special and the soundtrack on a separate audio CD. The audio CD soundtrack is also available separately.

All Amiga products are now available in the online shop of APC&TCP. Any specialist dealers who want to offer Reshoot R directly to their customers may contact APC&TCP by e-mail for details.

About Reshoot R:
Reshoot R is a 2D horizontal shoot'em up in the style of those great arcade classics Silkworm, R-Type and Gradius.

  • Developed and programmed by industry veteran Richard Löwenstein
  • Plays to the performance capabilities of the Amiga CD³², 1200 and 4000
  • Five themed arenas in elaborately designed retro design
  • Exciting attack waves and boss fights
  • Extra weapons and power-ups
  • Multi-level scrolling, up to 100 objects on screen
  • 50 Hertz refresh rate ensures constant high-speed
  • More than 400 colours on screen
  • Thrilling soundtrack and SFX play simultaneously
  • Locally stored highscore list and additional internet ranking option
  • Runs on standard hardware of the A1200, A4000 and CD³², no add-ons required
  • Tested on Amiga systems with 68020, 68030, 68040 and 68060 CPUs
System requirements:
  • Amiga 1200, Amiga 4000 or Amiga CD³²
  • Joystick or CD32 compatible controlpad
  • 2 MB chip memory, more memory supported
  • Runs on compatible Amiga emulators on Windows, Mac and Linux
More information is available at the title link.

About spieleschreiber:
spieleschreiber is a development studio specialising in retro computer games. The founder and core of the team from Pürge in Upper Bavaria is games journalist Richard Löwenstein. Richard Löwenstein successfully developed computer games in the 1980s and wrote articles for the trade magazines Happy Computer, 64er and Amiga Joker.

Reshoot R was in development for three years and was developed in co-operation with the entire retro community. Design, coding, production: Richard Löwenstein. Graphics: Kevin Saunders. Music and sound effects: Martin Ahman.

About APC&TCP:
APC&TCP has been active as a publisher for Amiga products for over 25 years. From APC&TCP come products like Amiga Future, Amiga Family, Flyin High, Marblelous, Pinball Brain Damage, CygnusED, Roadshow and much more. APC&TCP has tried for many years not only to publish high-end Amiga games like Reshoot R but also smaller projects like Trap Runner. APC&TCP is always looking out for interesting Amiga projects to publish. (snx)

[News message: 30. May. 2019, 06:52] [Comments: 0]
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