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Aminet-Uploads until 11.05.2019
The following archives have been added to Aminet until May 11th, 2019:        demo/euro  4.1M  68k Demo (8th place) from Revisio...
cps-brutalism.lha        demo/euro  14M   68k Demo (6th place) from Revisio...          demo/euro  1.6M  68k Demo (2nd place) from Revisio...
elk-knarkzilla.lha       demo/euro  16M   68k Demo (3th place) from Revisio...
hjb-signals.lha          demo/euro  6.8M  68k Demo (4th place) from Revisio...   demo/euro  1.2M  68k Demo (12th place) from Revisi...
mds-20y.lha              demo/euro  601K  68k Demo (9th place) from Revisio...
noc_dgr.lha              demo/euro  7.5M  68k Demo (7th place) from Revisio...              demo/euro  1.6M  68k Demo (1st place) from Revisio...   demo/euro  246K  68k Demo (10th place) from Revisi...
unique-origins.lha       demo/euro  9.0M  68k Demo (5th place) from Revisio...
Void-GummyBearDemo.lha   demo/euro  328K  68k Demo (11th place) from Revisi...             demo/intro 64K   68k Intro (2nd place) from Revisi...
DontBeSquare.lha         demo/intro 9K    68k intro (2nd place) from Revisi...              demo/intro 116K  68k Intro released in April 2019              demo/intro 114K  68k Intro from the GriMaPe Meetin...
menace_cracktro_v1_0.lha demo/intro 30K   68k Intro (7th place) from Revisi...
MenaceCracktroSource.lha demo/intro 101K      Menace crack intro (source)     demo/intro 63K   68k Intro (4th place) from Revisi...
SFL-Electromathesis.lha  demo/intro 63K   68k Intro (3rd place) from Revisi...
spbgoon.lha              demo/intro 63K   68k Intro (1st place) from Revisi...
void-versuscubes.lha     demo/intro 34K   68k Intro (6th place) from Revisi...
void-waveoflights.lha    demo/intro 59K   68k Intro (5th place) from Revisi...
NS_Intro.lha             demo/misc  84K   68k Simple nice Intro by Axel Sof...
ACME.lha                 dev/cross  480K  MOS Crossassembler for 6502/65C02...
WormWars.lha             game/actio 855K  68k Advanced snake/Tron game        game/actio 693K  x86 Advanced snake/Tron game
WormWarsMOS.lha          game/actio 925K  MOS Advanced snake game
WormWars-OS4.lha         game/actio 1.1M  OS4 Advanced snake/Tron game
dkd-wolf.lha             game/demo  53K   68k Game demo (4th place) from Re...
MCE-MOS.lha              game/edit  2.6M  MOS Multi-game Character Editor
OpenDUNE_AGA.lha         game/strat 256K  68k Amiga AGA port of OpenDUNE
ViewLHA.lha              gfx/show   26K   68k View a graphics file compress...
AmiArcadia.lha           misc/emu   4.3M  68k Signetics-based machines emul...
AmiArcadiaMOS.lha        misc/emu   4.5M  MOS Signetics-based machines emul...
AmiArcadia-OS4.lha       misc/emu   4.7M  OS4 Signetics-based machines emul...
Bathtublovers.lha        mods/misc  833K      Bathtub Lovers 4ch Sexy R&B L...
sidid.lha                mus/misc   57K   MOS HVSC playroutine identity sca...
HipWrap.lha              mus/play   7K    68k A wrapper for HippoPlayer
IFFDecode.lha            util/misc  34K   68k Decode an IFF file
(snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 12. May. 2019, 11:13] [Comments: 0]
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