Source code of "Trap Runner" released
After the collector's edition of his jump'n run Trap Runner has been available, similar to other games Frank Wille has released the source code, level files and graphics of the game under a Public Domain licence. The archive includes all files necessary for creating a disk image of "Trap Runner".
The build process is portable that means you can assemble the game on different platforms. Additional to an ISO-C99 compiler and the AmigaOS assembler includes, only GNU-make, vasmm68k_mot and vlink are required. All other tools you can build from the source code. In Makefile you only have to adapt the variable ASINC to the corresponding environment. It includes the path to the Amiga includes.
Download: TrapRunner1_2.lha (1,6 MB)
(cg) (Translation: dr)
[News message: 27. Apr. 2019, 23:45] [Comments: 0]
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