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Floppy (Forum)

AROS: Distribution Icaros Desktop 2.2.6
Paolo Besser has released an update of his AROS-distribution Icaros Desktop. In version 2.2.6 the muimaster.library written by Neil Cefferkey was added providing "support for ESC-A method of embedding images into strings, which basically allows rapagui-based applications to show images into buttons and other GUI gadgets". Besides, now it is possible to record debug logs and updates of DCRaw, VIM and AmiCast Player were added as well as the ZuPaPlayer. Adding EasyRPG Player, "a great interpreter a la ScummVM for games created with RPG Maker 2000 and 2003" is supposed to be one of the highlights of the new version. Finally, for players the games "Kidnapping of Princess Pri" and "Grimps: Squeaking of the Dead" are now included. (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 10. Feb. 2019, 17:16] [Comments: 0]
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