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AmigaOS update: Further details to AmigaOS 3.1.4
In a discussion on, the developers Thomas 'Thor' Richter and Olaf 'Olsen' Barthel have informed about the current status of the development of their updates for AmigaOS 3.1 called "3.1.4". Additional to diverse bug fixes and the changes which are known since the Amiga32, among others the following changes will be added:
  • The update will include a new version of "DiskDoktor" which "examine the contents of the volume, looking for defects and copy the contents of the directory tree to a different volume". Large volumes and long file names are supported. The new version of DiskDoktor only requires 1 Megabyte dealing with a 1 Gigabyte partition, and 8 Megabytes for a 8 Gigabyte partition.
  • A replacement for the CD file system CDFS: A backport of the CD file system of of AmigaOS 4 (currently without supporting mixed-mode CDs, UDF, HFS and HFS-plus) which supports the new mount options "NoNSD", "DirectSCSI" and "SuperFloppy". Besides, "Mask", "Maxtransfer" and "BufMemType" are honoured.
  • "CrossDos now also supports long file names, FAT32, FAT24 and FAT16."
  • CrossDOS as well as the new CDFS now are multithreaded, that means they do not freeze the Workbench any longer while working.
  • Obviously the Workbench developed by Olaf Barthel from AmigaOS 3.5+ is used - or at least part of it: Richter mentioned that replacements for the prefs programs of Workbench and ASL have to be used since Reaction was removed.
  • The programs MagTape and Edit were removed from the distribution. Edit "suffered from several bugs and limitations".
  • workbench.library and icon.library "are already too large to fit into the ROMs", they will be on disks. They will also take more RAM, "so that there is less left on the low-end machines. It will probably not work with 512K alone."
Richter pointed out that many parts of the new features still have to be tested. The developers are looking for new beta testers. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 29. Mar. 2018, 02:10] [Comments: 0]
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