AMOS author talks about his past fee
In the Facebook group "AMOS Professional" Francois Lionet, author of STOS/AMOS for Atari ST and Amiga, talked about the fee which he got for his package.
Francois Lionet's statement:
I did make good money... During STOS, around 60.000 ¤ / year ( I convert Francs to Euros directly, as today in France things cost the same in Euros than what they used to in Francs at that time)...
STOS and AMOS 1.3 raised that to around 100.000 on the first year and lower the next year with STOS sales declining... But my best year was AMOS Professional.... Initial sales were fantastic as many people were waiting for it in UK and rushed to buy it... Could not believe my eyes when I saw a check of more than 150.000¤... it payed for a large part of our house... and cool holidays! This is a lot of course, not enough to buy a Porsche! (would not have anyway)
Europress was very happy to see me each time I came to Manchester... My royalties were 15%, a simple multiplication will give you how much cash they made, so yeah they were happy! And me too each time I came to see them, Richard and all the team...
(cg) (Translation: dr)
[News message: 05. Jan. 2018, 23:11] [Comments: 0]
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