Amigaworld.net (Forum)
Trademark disputes: Cloanto sued Hyperion in USA
In the dispute about the rights of the trademark "Amiga" (amiga-news.de reported), this month Cloanto, for some years owner of the Commodore and Amiga copyrights, has sued Hyperion in the USA, where in January the company applied for this trademark. Reason for the law-suit is that Hyperion did appeal against this application because in their opinion the registration could cause confusion with their own trademarks "AmigaOS" and "AmigaOne".
According to the statement of claim (PDF file), Cloanto wants to be determined by court that they are the lawful owner of the trademark "Amiga" and that therefore Hyperion is not allowed to apply for trademarks like "AmigaOS" or "AmigaOne". Furthermore the court battle is about the distribution of AmigaOS 1.3 Kickstart ROMs by Hyperion; also the document notes that Hyperion would not have been allowed to market AmigaOS 3.1. (snx) (Translation: dr)
[News message: 27. Dec. 2017, 09:22] [Comments: 0]
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