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Aminet-Uploads until 09.12.2017
The following archives have been added to the Aminet until December 9th, 2017:
LuettjeBookholler.lha    biz/misc   1.7M  OS4 Little Personal Finance program
PTAF.lha                 demo/intro 4.7M  68k Plastic toys are forever
bsa.lha                  dev/cross  101K  MOS Bit Shift Assembler
libmikmod.lha            dev/lib    1.1M  OS4 Portable sound library (music...
libmodplug.lha           dev/lib    1.4M  OS4 Render mod music files as raw...
libsdl_mixer.lha         dev/lib    751K  OS4 SDL mixer library
amibox.lha               game/board 446K  68k AmiBOX - logical game 68k
EuroFighter.lha          game/misc  936K  68k Party game from Capacitor Par...
Raining_Eggs.lha         game/misc  541K  68k Party game from Capacitor Par...
crispy-doom.lha          game/shoot 1.4M  MOS Crispy Doom
AmiTimeKeeper.i386-ar... util/cdity 168K  x86 Keep your time right
AmiTimeKeeper.lha        util/cdity 119K  68k Keep your time right
IconLib_46.4.lha         util/libs  652K  68k free icon.library in optimize...
ZIPTest.lha              util/misc  34K   68k test Amiga 3000 ZIP DRAM memo...
(snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 10. Dec. 2017, 07:41] [Comments: 0]
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