Amiga.org (Forum)
Amicast: Text interview with Frank Wille
The blog of the English podcast Amicasthas published a text interview with Frank Wille. The developer is well-known for the game Solid Gold and the Amiga ports of Retroguru games like the Sqrxz series (1, 2, 3), Giana's Return, Xump or Fruit'Y, but he is also well-known for the assembler PhxAss and his assistance in developing the compiler vbcc as well as the assembler and its linker vasm and vlink, for his assistance in developing the Amiga and Pegasos version of the operating system NetBSD as well as for the ppclibemu. He also was involved in the beta tests of the Pegasos-II adaption of AmigaOS 4.1. By adapting vasm and vlink, he also supports the Sonnet-Amiga-project.
(snx) (Translation: dr)
[News message: 13. Mar. 2016, 07:53] [Comments: 0]
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