Antony Mo (ANF)
Event: Amiga meeting in Maarssen, Netherlands (20. June)
On June 20th the "Commodore Ineteressegroep" will invite to an event in Maarssen. As usual the meeting will take place in "Trefpunt", in Kerkweg 21 in Maarssen. Admission is free..
The meeting will take place on the occasion of the 30th Amiga birthday: some computers will be sold (e.g. A1200 with Blizzard accelerator board and a Pegasos). Demo presentations are also planned. Besides, it is possible to play old games on A1200 and CD32.
(cg) (Translation: dr)
[News message: 09. Jun. 2015, 15:55] [Comments: 0]
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