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Aminet-Uploads until 28.03.2015
The following archives have been added to Aminet until March 28th, 2015:
HollywoodSP.lha          biz/misc   505K      Hollywood 6.0 spanish catalogs
CamView.lha              comm/net   41K   68k Cam Viewer for Lan and Intern...
LanCamTool.lha           comm/net   111K  68k Lancam Tool for Edimax IC 303...
magnet2torrent.lha       comm/net   22K   MOS Convert magnet links to .torr...
BlitzLocale.lha          dev/basic  116K  68k Use Locale in AmiBlitz Programs
pthread.lha              dev/c      28K   MOS POSIX Threads for AROS and Mo...
sgit.lha                 dev/misc   1.1M  OS4 A simple and incomplete git c...          driver/med 17K   68k Blizzard 2060 SCSI Rom (Phase 5)
Blizzard_1230_SCSI_IV... driver/med 10K   68k Blizzard 1230IV SCSI ROM (Pha...
CS-SCSI-Tools-31.lha     driver/med 529K  68k SCSI Systemdisk (Phase 5)
scsi85mk1.lha            driver/med 10K   68k cyberscsi.device (MKI) (Phase 5)
scsi86mk2.lha            driver/med 16K   68k cyberscsi.device (MKII) (Phas...
040_060Libs.lha          driver/oth 132K  68k 68040/68060 libraries (Phase 5)
68060-19101999.lha       driver/oth 186K  68k 68060 Library (Phase 5)
68060systemdisk.lha      driver/oth 272K  68k 68060 Systemdisk (Phase 5)
blizzard2060systemdis... driver/oth 272K  68k Blizzard 2060 Systemdisk (Pha...
fastlanez3.lha           driver/oth 15K   68k z3scsi.device (Phase 5)
FlashUpdates-09042000... driver/oth 940K  ppc-powerup CyberStorm PPC/MK3 & Bliz...
FlashUpdates-26042002... driver/oth 940K  ppc-powerup CyberStorm PPC/MK3 & Bliz...
SystemDisk-431.lha       driver/oth 352K  68k Cyberstorm system disk (Phase 5)   game/shoot 2.3M  68k Ultimate Maze -Gloom mod
Show_Vector_1.2.lha      gfx/show   1.3M  MOS A Vectorgraphic viewer
amath.i386-aros.lha      misc/math  345K  x86 Simple command line calculator
amath.lha                misc/math  1.3M  68k Simple command line calculator
amath.src.lha            misc/math  257K      Simple command line calculato...
amath-mos.lha            misc/math  132K  MOS Simple command line calculator
ppc-user-09042000.lha    misc/os    93K   68k PPC Library - User Archive (P...
Icons-for-AmigaOS.lha    pix/picon  6.3M      AmigaOS 4.1 Style Icons ...
cabextract.lha           util/arc   34K   68k Extract Microsoft Cabinet (.C...
cabextract_MOS.lha       util/arc   40K   MOS Extract Microsoft Cabinet (.C...
cabextract_OS4.lha       util/arc   38K   OS4 Extract Microsoft Cabinet (.C...
MuFastZero.lha           util/boot  153K  68k MuLib ZeroP. remapper, replac...
barcode.lha              util/conv  1.1M  MOS Convert text strings to barcodes
MMULib.lha               util/libs  637K  68k Library to ctrl the MC68K MMUs
Mu680x0Libs.lha          util/sys   353K  68k MuLib aware 680x0 libraries
(snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 29. Mar. 2015, 08:24] [Comments: 0]
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