OS4Depot-Uploads until 03.01.2015
The following archives have been added to OS4Depot until January 3rd, 2015:
daplayer_ita.lha aud/mis 9kb 4.0 italian catalog for DAPlayer
e-uae-amigfx.lha emu/com 3Mb 4.0 Classic Amiga Emulation (JIT + A...
e-uae-sdl.lha emu/com 5Mb 4.0 Classic Amiga Emulation (JIT + S...
amiarcadia.lha emu/gam 5Mb 4.0 Signetics-based machines emulator
whobecomesamigaguru.lha gam/mis 23Mb 4.1 Game about a fictitious tv show
gianas-return.lha gam/pla 8Mb 4.0 The Great Giana Sisters remake
hottiesview.lha gra/vie 193kb 4.1 A modern image viewer
libboostygfxv2.lha lib/gra 414kb 4.1 BoostyGFX library used with Huno...
rhash.lha uti/fil 447kb 4.0 Recursive Hash Calculator
kcopy.lha uti/mis 2Mb 4.1 a Gui for Kryoflux
evenmore.lha uti/tex 443kb 4.0 Freeware Textviewer
liveforit-mplayer.lha vid/pla 15Mb 4.1 Mplayer optimized for Radeon HD
(snx) (Translation: dr)
[News message: 04. Jan. 2015, 08:11] [Comments: 0]
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