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Michael Jurisch (ANF)

Crowdfunding: Rocket Ranger Reloaded (update)
The current holder of the Cinemawares rights is going to release again the classic action-adventure Rocket Ranger as a "reloaded"-version and has established a crowdfunding-project at Kickstarter.

According to the publisher's own information he is going to "bring the game to as many platforms as possible" and to "make the project freely available for porting to Linux and AmigaOS by any team interested in undertaking these conversions."

Hint of the editorial staff: We do not know, if "freely" means "for free" or "free" (within the meaning of "troublefree" and so on). The last meaning would imply to make payment of licence fees which would make an Amiga-port unlikely.

Update: (04.12.2014, 18:15, cg)

In the German thread for this news item, a Cinemaware representative announces that all required materials for porting the Game to the Amiga will be made available free of charge. since Cinemaware does not expect a potential Amiga version to generate any revenue. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 01. Dec. 2014, 19:15] [Comments: 0]
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