Aminet-Uploads until 12.07.2014
The following packages have been added to Aminet until July 12th, 2014:
BackUp.lha disk/bakup 61K 68k A simple backup tool.. v1.80
Fussball-WM-2014.lha docs/misc 10K TurboCalc Spreadsheet WM-2014...
anotherworld_os4.lha game/actio 329K OS4 Game engine for Another World
MCE.lha game/edit 1.3M 68k Multi-game Character Editor
MCE-MOS.lha game/edit 1.5M MOS Multi-game Character Editor
MCE-OS4.lha game/edit 1.5M OS4 Multi-game Character Editor
Xenomorph_1.0.lha gfx/conv 52K MOS A bitmap to vector tracing tool
AmiArcadia.lha misc/emu 3.5M 68k Signetics-based machines emul...
AmiArcadiaMOS.lha misc/emu 3.8M MOS Signetics-based machines emul...
amath.lha misc/math 86K 68k Simple command line calculator.
InstantZip_2.1.3.lha util/arc 180K MOS InstantZip - A easy ZIP archi...
IconLib_46.4.lha util/libs 337K 68k free icon.library in optimize...
MPlayer-GUI.lha util/misc 206K OS4 GUI for MPlayer for OS4
xoxo.zip util/misc 182K 68k new ripper and monitor with GUI
(snx) (Translation: dr)
[News message: 13. Jul. 2014, 06:07] [Comments: 0]
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