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New photographs of AGA-Flickerfixer ScanJuggler XAGA
In Hungary, for some time a Flickerfixer for AGA-Amigas has been developed. Now some new photopgraphs of the hardware have been published. Additionally there are some new information. The photograph with the "Twisted Pair"-cable with RJ45-plugs were chosen to avoid signal noise. Despite the rather big sockets, according to the developer the Scanjuggler fits in an Amiga 1200-case. Is is also supposed to be used together with a Mediator-busboard inclusive keyboard adapter. The version for the A4000 can be used together with Zorro-boards.

Normally - mere digital or analog video output - only two of the three cables (analog video output, digital video output, DDC/Power) are required. And if you do not want to have a RJ45-plug, then you can order a version with ribbon cable - the RJ45-modules are only pinned into the Flickerfixer.

Additional to the DVI-output, further modules are planned, e.g. VGA and HDMI. The board for HDMI module would require to remove existing RF-modulators.

Recently the developer was having problems with the used video-clock-generator. In new prototypes (which are not pictured so far) the chip was put on a separate module to stop being depending on a certain model. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 24. Apr. 2014, 18:44] [Comments: 0]
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