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Power2People (ANF)

AmigaOS 4/AROS: Bounty-project for Odyssey web browser
Under the title link on, a bounty project for releasing Fabien 'Fab' Coeurjoly's web browser Odyssey under an open-source-licence was established which would make it possible to adapt it to AmigaOS 4 and AROS.

Earlier versions of his browser the author already released for free. But these versions cannot play e.g. HTML5-videos. This fearture Fabien Coeurjoly developed himself; there is not any other Amiga implemenation for that except the (still unsatisfying) Firefox/Timberwolf. Alternative browsers for different operating systems are open-source but often overdependent (Chrome) or bloated (Webkit-GTK), or not open-source (Apple Quicktime for the Mac-version of Webkit or the Windows-implementation). (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 13. Nov. 2013, 14:38] [Comments: 0]
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