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Linux-distributor is going to use label Amiga (update)
Under, for several years a commercial Xubuntu-based Linux distribution called "OS4 OpenLinux" has been offered. English-language users noticed that the distribution has the same name as the colloquial name for AmigaOS 4 (1, 2) - finally Roberto J. Dohnert who is maintainer of the OS4 OpenLinux-distributor "PC OpenSystems LLC" has delivered a detailed statement.

Dohnert explained that in the past he was engaged with the Amiga and that he had contact to Barry Altman from Commodore USA. Yesterday Dohnert claimed in an article having got in touch with Amiga Inc. due to getting a licence for the name - but without getting an answer. After that Dohnert announced that he does think about to use the copyrighted trademark on his website and then see who will contact him.

This plan now has been put into pratice: In a statement on the website of his Linux-distribution, PC OpenSystems has announced to rename both software products in "Amiga OpenLinux" and "Amiga Enterprise Linux". Additionally (x86-/x64-based) servers, desktop computers and laptops are supposed to be offered with Amiga-logo.

Dohnert carries on participating in the discussion on and emphasized again that this all was done to get in touch with the owners of the trademark.

Meanwhile the announcement was removed from - about 30 minutes after Ben Hermans was logged in on for a short time. A screenshot of the anouncement we have saved on our server.

Update: (23.06.13, 18:50, cg)

Meanwhile Dohnert explained that Amiga Inc. did contact him and refused a licence for Linux. But he got some figures for a licence yet: 600 US-Dollar as well as a "annual fee of 5 percent".

After that the logo of OS4 OpenLinux was changed to a design which is highly inspired by the BoingBall. Meanwhile and despite of Dohnert's comments, the original announcement is online again: The intention to sell the software as "Amiga OpenLinux". (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 22. Jun. 2013, 21:30] [Comments: 0]
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