Amiga Future (Webseite)
GAUHPIL: Database of Amiga-homepages updated
Since 1994 Dietmar Knoll has collected Amiga homepages. Today it has been updated again and currently lists 615 users from 36 countries. Changes since our last message:
- New: Georg Braun (hardware) - Germany
- New: Frédéric Cordier (AmiDARK Engine SDK for games) - France
- New: Andrew Fisher (The SEUCK vault page, Planet of Balls game) - United Kingdom
- New: Steffen Gutmann (MUI Base database) - Germany
- New: Holger Jakob "heureka" (PowerUp programs via Ixemul: ADescent, MPG123, Timidity...) - Germany
- New: Nicolas Sallin (Taquin, Goa3D libs, LowLevel lib reimplementation, SimpleMail port...) - France
- Changed: Patrick Jung "Patbest" (MorphOS Wallpapers, icons, MIME types for Ambient...) - France
- Changed: Christian Kummerow (LanCam, Picture Overview, Amiga RFID Control, Start script for older games, A1200/3.1 Floppy Fix...) - Germany
- Changed: Walid Moghrabi "-Hybrid-" (Nostalgia! emulators GUI, SpiderWeb global server and "Suburban Species" blog) - France
- Changed: Massimo Perfini "MAX" (MiraPLOT, MiraMP3GUI, nice gallery of Amiga photos...) - Italy
- Changed: Angelo Theodorou "Encelo" (Ministats, PerfNum & NetShare) - Italy
- Changed: Nicola Trani (SIMULA - Multimedia Kiosk) - Italy
- Changed: Etienne Vogt (ErrorLog, Sysmon, VDisk, muFS,...) - France
(snx) (Translation: dr)
[News message: 01. Apr. 2013, 08:17] [Comments: 0]
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