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PPC-Hardware: Status update for UltimatePPC
Last Saturday in Maarssen the meeting of the Commodore Gebruikersgroep took place which also was visited by the two developers of the PPC-extension UltimatePPC which was announced some weeks ago. One of the members have uploaded some pictures to and have given a short summary of the current status of the project:
  • Hardwarewise the PPC side is working and booting. The 68040 side works, but does not yet talk to the classic hardware. The card does run, standalone. But the Amiga will not boot yet with the card inserted. [editor's note: This would mean that both processors obviously are more integrated than it seemed at the first announcement].
  • Active talks with Hyperion for supporting AmigaOS4.x.
  • Driver support: lots of help pledged for building drivers for all the hardware goodies (more help is always welcome!).
  • Support for WarpUp/WarpOS through support pledged by the original author.
  • The MicroSD card on the UltimatePPC holds the firmware/bootcode. This is indended to stay. That means upgrading/flashing the card can be done with a normal PC and a card reader... !!
Editor's note: The QorIQ P1013 Power-Processor which is used on the UltimatePPC contains a FPU which is not compatible with processors used in other Amiga-PPC-projects. According to our information this would mean that - supposed WarpOS or AmigaOS 4 would be adapted to UltimatePPC - no other existing PPC-software would run on this hardware and the PPC-programms have to be adapted to the UltimatePPC by the developers. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 18. Jun. 2012, 22:38] [Comments: 0]
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