AROS-Archives-Uploads until 12.05.2012
The following archives have been added until 12.05.2012 to the AROS-Archives:
pixman3.i386-aros.zip dev/lib 160kb Pixman Library
darkplaces_nexuiz.i386-ar... gam/fps 8Mb Darkplaces and Nexuiz SDL port
odyssey-1.16.2.i386-aros.zip net/bro 21Mb Odyssey Web Browser
odyssey-1.16.2.src-aros.zip net/bro 59Mb Odyssey Web Browser sources
jack_aros.zip uti/wor 12Mb Multi-purpose utility for Wanderer
(snx) (Translation: dr)
[News message: 13. May. 2012, 11:20] [Comments: 0]
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