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Commodore-founder Jack Tramiel died
As announced today, on Sunday the founder of Commodore Jack Tramiel has died. Under the leadership of Tramiel, Commodore was growing to the second biggest supplier of computers worldwide. The founder of a company had to leave the it due to conflicts with his longtime investor Irving Gould and changed to the competitor Atari.

Finally Tramiel came into contact with Amiga: After the takeover of Atari he found an existing contract with a little startup-company which developed a powerful, m68000-based computer. Tramiel who always said "business is war" insisted on the immediate repayment of a credit granted by Atari although he knew that the little startup-company was not able to do that.

Just before he could buy the company for a ridiculous price, his former company Commodore thwarted his plans and bought the startup "Amiga" of four times what Tramiel offered. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 09. Apr. 2012, 20:52] [Comments: 0]
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