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24.Mar.2012 (Webseite)

Elbox: "New edition" of FastATA is a bogus claim
Four weeks ago Elbox promoted an alleged new edition of its IDE-controller: With the "FastATA MK-IV CF/SATA" users now could connect modern mass storage like SSD or SATA-harddrives to an Amiga.

In the English product description in the Elbox-shop it is not particularly mentioned that it is a new revision of the hardware or that the CompactFlash and SATA-ports are on the board but the written words legen are rather clear: "The FastATA 4000 MK-IV CF/SATA is designed to simultaneously use up to four devices: one Compact Flash card, one SATA drive and two to four PATA devices".

As things turned out the promoted product is the "old" controller "FastATA MK-IV" which has been unchanged available for years. It is now delivered with two standard adapters for connecting CompactFlash or SATA devices to an IDE-controller. Both adapters have to be connected with standard PATA-cables to the FastATA and separately supplied with power:

Although the PATA-SATA-adapter is a standard device which Elbox has bought from a external distributor, for unknown reasons the labeling of chip was removed in order to um complicate its identifying.

(we would like to thank "Amiga-Aktivist" for his kind permission to publish pictures he has taken) (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 24. Mar. 2012, 15:59] [Comments: 0]
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