AROS-Archives-Uploads until 14.01.2012
The following archives habe been added to the AROS-archives since January 1st 2012:
bonk.i386-aros.tar.bz2 aud/mis 402kb Encode and decode .bonk files
demac.i386-aros.tar.bz2 aud/mis 89kb Decoder for .ape files
libwavpack.i386-aros.tar.bz2 dev/lib 234kb Hybrid Lossless Audio Codec
loview.i386-aros.lha gra/vie 3Mb LoView - the Easy Viewer and Thu...
(snx) (Translation: dr)
[News message: 15. Jan. 2012, 17:05] [Comments: 0]
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