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The Third Annual Festive Amiga Game Making Competition
For the third time Moya "Cammy" Jackie will organize the traditional Festive Amiga Game Making Competition. Until 24. December you will have to create a game or playable demo of the game. This year's Festive Amiga Game Making Competition's rule is this::
  • Create an Amiga game adaption of the film, television or book franchise of your choice! The only exception is you cannot make a game based on something that was already made into an Amiga game..
  • There are two categories: Classic Amiga and Next Generation Amiga. The NG category includes games made for AmigaOS4, MorphOS, Aros or RTG OS3 systems. The Classic category requires the game to run on at least an Amiga 1200 with extra RAM or an accelerator. If it requires a 060 and a graphics card, it'll go in the NG category..
  • There will be a panel of experienced judges who will play and rate the games, and then combine and tally the results to find our two major prize winners.

(cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 27. Oct. 2011, 01:30] [Comments: 0]
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