Web-Browser: Netsurf 2.7
Artur Jarosik has published a new update of the AmigaOS-port of the browser NetSurf. Some features of the original project were implemented now and additionally these improvements were added:
- added dropdown Url textbox showing recently entered addreses (beta;)
- information of each button function
- linked with libpng 1.2.44
- linked with libjpeg v8c
- cookie support for ppa.pl
- restart by clicking on reload with RMB or F7
- quick play multimedia using GetVideo with F4
- proper display of scalled images (eg. amiga.org poll bars)
- possible speedup by setting incremental_reflow to 0
(needs experimenting)
- labels for bookmarks
- compiled for 060
- save page as pdf
- ffplay with gui (port by Piotr Bandurski)
(cg) (Translation: dr)
[News message: 25. Jun. 2011, 16:19] [Comments: 0]
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