Amiga.org (Webseite)
FPGA-Amiga: Multiple Classic Computer (MCC)
The Multiple Classic Computer (MCC) is a FPGA computer with now three available cores: Commodore 64, Atari 2600 and now also (currently as beta version 0.9; Video) Amiga 500 (SysInfo-Screenshot). There is an English-language review of the C64-core from the last year in the Commodore-Free-Magazine, Issue 46.
The computer is delivered with C64 Forever by Cloanto (Amiga Forever is planned) and allows you to connect SD-cards as well as Competition-Pro-joysticks, PS/2-mouse and -keyboard. For the graphic output VGA as well as S-Video (NTSC or PAL) are available. It is offered in US for 149 US-Dollar.
(snx) (Translation: dr)
[News message: 20. May. 2011, 16:30] [Comments: 0]
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