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Amiga 600: Memory extension A604
The A604 developed by Individual Computers is the successor of the Amiga 600 memory extension A603. It offers 1 MB additional Chip RAM, a battery-backed clock, a clockport for Amiga 1200 expansion modules as well as an expansion socket for the Indivision ECS.

The A604's new design allows to mount an Indivision ECS without losing the floppy disk drive (which was a problem with the A603 card). Additionally, the A604 now features a second clockport especially designed for the Subway USB controller module. This second clockport can boast a performance gain of 60% compared to a standard clockport, so the Subway's USB transfers are faster than ever before. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 18. May. 2011, 19:02] [Comments: 0]
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