Emulator: WinUAE 2.3.1
The Amiga emulator WinUAE is now available in version 2.3.1.
New features:
- Gamepad joystick type for games that support 2nd fire button but
can't read it without pullup resistor. (for example Aladdin)
- Manual filter configuration fully implemented
- Autoresolution supported (automatically selects lowest used
resolution on the fly)
- MIDI device names are stored in configuration file
- Custom chipset undocumented feature compatibility updates
(For example Magic Demo / Diabolics, MoreNewStuffy by PlasmaForce,
Kefrens Party Intro by Wiz)
- M68K AROS compatible IDE and RTG emulation
- Statefile compatiblity updates. (Initial audio glitches, mouse
counters updated correctly, CPU exact mid-instruction state saved,
active disk DMA state saved)
- New filter defaults, 1x (not FS) and always scale if selected
screen/window size is very small or large enough
- Auto resize and center filter modes 1x/2x.. modifiers now
adjust window size
- Attempt to load disk image and harddisk paths in state files from
current directory, current adf/hardfile path and finally state
file directory if original path or file is missing
- SCSI emulation physical drive tray load/eject passthrough
- SCSI emulation CD audio support improved.
(for example T-Zero and The Shadow of the Third Moon)
- Clipboard sharing disable option in GUI
(cg) (Translation: dr)
[News message: 27. Feb. 2011, 23:48] [Comments: 0]
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