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MorphOS: Graphic program Gribouillis 2.7-r233 (beta)
Guillaume "Yomgui" Roguez' graphic program Gribouillis2 (screenshots: 1, 2) supports layers, has an unlimited
undo/redo and some simple picture editing functions.
Changes in this latest beta version:
- New features and major improvements:
- Brush: Split radius/opacity parameters to have range of value depending on pressure: min for low pressure, max for high pressure.
This permit to obtain a better 'real' rendering
- Layer compositor: Added possibility to move layers independently from each other. => activate the drawing surface, press any SHIFT keys and drag using the middle button.
- Layers position saved by the OpenRaster format (.ora).
- Palette: More and smaller palette buttons (256)
- Palette: Load&save buttons (using a very simple textual file format ;-))
- Optimierungen und beseitigte Fehler:
- Brush: Optimized the dab drawing loops, plus fixed the dab center on the pixel center (was on it's edge before). That fix also the rendering at low radius (internally limited to .5)
- Brush: Fixed bounding box computation with a low limit to 3x3 pixels
- Brush: Fixed some memory eats
- Brush: Many other minors fixes
- Layer compositor: Twice speed to render the model than before using better cairo compositing
- Layer compositor: FAST and BILINEAR filter used to render tiles depending on the zoom level used
- Layer compositor: Fixed blit memory trash under some conditions
- View: Bigger draw area at startup, relative to the screen size
- Fixed default file pattern for load/save image requesters
- Fixed PNG saving, plus added support of per layer position
Gribouillis2 is available as "standalone" version (13MB) or as "simple" version which is much smaller. But this simple version requires some
additional libraries and interpreters (Python, PyMUI, PyCairo etc.). Both versions the program has to be installed to harddrive.
The author does not recommend starting the program from the RAM-Disk. (cg) (Translation: dr)
[News message: 23. Feb. 2011, 17:40] [Comments: 0]
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