aros-exec.org (Webseite)
AROS: Vector graphic program AmiFIG-Suite 0.6
Yannick Erb has published a new update for the vector graphic program AmiFIG (screenshot). Version 0.6 includes several minor bug fixes as well as some improvements:
- On screen dispay can now be antialiased (go to preference/Display to enable the option)
- AmiFIG is now localised and delivered with 2 catalogs (french and italian wich are still WIP, please report any error)
- Export 3 bitmap can now be done with 4 antialiasing choices (none/4x/9x/16x oversampling), be carreful, with big images 9x and 16x can fail and the resulting image will be empty)
(cg) (Translation: dr)
[News message: 06. Sep. 2010, 17:06] [Comments: 0]
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