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Software-News: EvenMore 0.68, Amiga Media Center Preview-Video

Text viewer: EvenMore 0.68 (5.7.10)

Chris Perver's EvenMore is a text viewer written in AmigaE. Changes since our last message:
  • Amended EvenMore executable to allow you to pass an extra filename on to the plugins. If you click on a link beginning with a #, EvenMore will pass this link on to the plugins along with the path to the currently opened file. This will allow EvenMore plugins to browse inside archives while still keeping a note of the actual file being accessed.
  • Amended Arc2Text.plugin to browse LHA files, although there are still some bugs, the code needs to be optomised and files cannot yet be extracted.
  • Fixed bug in filetypes plugin. Was incorrectly using pattern string as the buffer as well for the pattern parsing function.
  • Created a basic LHA viewing plugin and preferences. You will need to delete the #?.lha filetype from the filtypes.txt file in order for this plugin to work.
  • Hyperlinks to files no longer needs full path to be specified. EvenMore will append the path of the currently viewed file to any linked files. Also amended Dir2Text plugin so that it does not use full paths any more. This should speed things up.
  • Mariusz Danilewicz of the ATO team has kindly updated the Polish catalog.
  • Removed patternStringF module and replaced with my own RawDoFmt() code.

Status update for Amiga Media Center

Pascal Papara has published a video at YouTube which demonstrates the latest status of the AMC ("Amiga Media Center"). (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 07. Jul. 2010, 17:03] [Comments: 0]
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