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MorphOS: VisualBoy Advance 1.7.2, Plugin-SDK for Sketch/Scandal

VisualBoy Advance

Fabien "Fab" Coeurjoly has compiled the Gameboy-emulator Visualboy Advance 1.7.2 to MorphOS. He did not know that Christian Rosentreter had published this version of the program some years ago. But he supposes that his version might be "much faster".

Plugin-SDK for Sketch and Scandal

With Pawel "stefko's" Stefanski's plugin-SDK you can create effect-plugins for the graphic propgram Sketch as well as for Michal Zukowski's scanner software Scandal.

Download: plugin_sdk.lha (6 KB) (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 22. Jun. 2010, 16:12] [Comments: 0]
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