Videos and pictures of VCF, AmigaOne X1000 Status
On Saturday in Bletchley (Great Britain) the 25th anniversary of the Amiga was celebrated. Meanwhile some pictures (1, 2, 3, 4) and videos (Youtube: 1, 2, 3, 4) were published which focus on Sam460 and AmigaOne X1000 computers. On both computers AmigaOS 4 was demonstrated.
According to Trevor Dickinson of A-EON during his presentation of the AmigaOne X1000 (Youtube: part 1, part 2), AmigaOS 4 runs on the computers for a while but only as of recently the computer boots from a harddrive. The price of the complete system will be about 1800 Euro.
On pictures and videos it is to be seen that the graphic output is very slow and that PCI-based model is used. According to Stéphane "sg2" Guillard from the AmigaOS 4-team on amigaworld.net this is not a general driver problem: his X1000 has a PCIe-Radeon graphic board and SATA-drives.
(cg) (Translation: dr)
[News message: 20. Jun. 2010, 01:17] [Comments: 0]
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