AROS-Exec (Forum)
AROS: Nouveau-2D-driver for nVidia-boards
"Todays nightly builds contains the first pre-alpha version of nouveau 2D driver. You can select it in grub boot menu (second option from the top).
Some general remarks:
This version is primarly for you to test whether you nvidia gfx card is recognized. All cards from GF1 to GF7 should be recognized and should allow booting into Wanderer. GF8 and above don't work yet. You can change screen resolution and open other screens - there are only 3 hardcoded resolutions available (640, 800, 1024).
!IMPORTANT! - during boot your monitor will blank out/loose signal. THIS IS OK. As long as your CDROM keeps working, there is still a chance. (In my case it takes about a minute to boot from CDROM).
The driver has almost no acceleration, is very slow and probably not very stable. You can use it, but don't blame me for occasional AROS hangs. If you do get hangs and they are repetetive, please discribe the situation in which they occour."
(snx) (Translation: dr)
[News message: 09. May. 2010, 11:23] [Comments: 0]
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