AROS: Janus-UAE 0.2
With Janus-UAE Oliver 'o1i' Brunner has started developing a new branch of the Amiga emulator E-UAE for AROS/x86. The reason is the UAE-integration which is in the works. Especially Janus-UAE offers now Picasso96-support.
Changes since E-UAE 0.8.29-WIP4:
- Compiling for GTK under AROS enabled
- Slight changes to the used widgets
- Small bugfixes
- 24-bit mode can be saved for 68020
- GTK-optimized
- Changed library open/close, as GTK-MUI normally expects that a GTK program is a port from Unix and so does not open/close AROS Libraries
- ZLib support (packed disk files, not tested)
- Picasso96 working (merged from the AROS uae version)
- The name ;)
Download: janus-uae.i386.tar.gz (7 MB)
(snx) (Translation: dr)
[News message: 21. Feb. 2009, 09:41] [Comments: 0]
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